They say that the matches are made in heaven. And they really are. We have heard a lot about love and we all desire. But when we finally met, we do not know what to do with it. However, there are people who come together for a purpose and their stories become a source of inspiration.
We bring you a love story that will touch their hearts and crying.
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Love had to happen
It all started in January 2002. Deepika Dadlani had just joined his second period of training in the Air Force Academy, and Ronald Kevin Serrao was in the last term - in their final year trainee cadets at the Academy - A support office . The first thing he noticed about her was her name on arrival from the station Cadet - who later admitted. During a game of charades, their romance began, then was magic! Long conversations about work, life, dreams and family in the 'cycle stand "on the road to disaster soon reconciled. Deepika much missed dinner one night as it was the only time I would come to talk to him.
Distance makes the heart grown affectionate
Like all good things must end, training days were soon over and that were never published in the same database since. However, on weekends or any other occasion that had both made a point to visit each other. 'Distance makes the heart grow fonder, "they say, and so, their relationship blossomed despite the distance. Ron and Deepika were committed in December 2004 and April 2006, they married. They were not published on the same basis in the region, even after his marriage that makes them fly on weekends to see each other. She visited him in Texture, Halwara and Ambala and visited Bangalore and Agra, and of course the views were some of the best moments of their lives!
From time to time, your life becomes a fairy tale
"My life was like a fairy tale when Ron was there," recalls Deepika. It was his friend, philosopher and guide in true sense. As a fellow pilot, he has taught more than some of their instructors. He sometimes drove through some difficult situations at work and in personal life. A perfect host for the license, a real gentleman with the ladies, a perfect place to hang out with his friends and total brat air force official partner. Flt Lt It was Ronald Kevin Serrao! "When I got my master ranking, he was the first person I called ...... and because he understood the intricacies of the process, made the sweet celebrations" Deepika cultivates with nostalgic pride.
Things do not always go as planned
Deepika had flown Ron and his squad of Nal in 10 January 2007. They had an early birthday celebration for him, as she knew they both had to work and not be able to be together in his 26th Birthday January 17. 17, they spoke among themselves in totally unaware that this would be his last long conversation. He told her he was her best birthday. 18 was the day of Deepika. She was in her room number and Ron had been trying for a long time but was unable to get through. He was obviously worried and at a time before the rosary under the pillow and began to pray. At one point, the rosary broke and although not very superstitious, it made her very anxious. She knew something was wrong. So she left her room and began pacing nervously in the hallway. "At that moment I saw my commander and flight commander walking towards me with their spouses. I did not know why they wanted to talk to me." They went down and broke the news of the plane crash. The Jaguar fighter plane was flying had flown in flight over the Jaisalmer district in Rajasthan, a few hours ago.
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The tragedy
"My world collapsed and my head started spinning when I heard the news," Deepika said, "and my life has not been the same since," he added.
IAF special plane brought the remains of Ambala in Mangalore for the last rites on January 20. The world has witnessed a very courageous woman integrated in uniform marching past the mourners, to pay their last tribute to their beloved husband. Deepika reveals the painful reality: ".. Frankly, I'm in a trance that day and for a while after having had many sleepless nights and I start on medication" It took a long time to accept the fact he was now classified as a war widow. He received a new identity card which became his new identity.
Life goes on
It was very difficult and every day was an ordeal for her, but she knew she had to pass. "I had to live for our families, for Ron dreams and our dreams. So I returned to work, but I could never set foot in the cockpit. "She tried for a year after the tragedy, but not I could fly." He felt like a part of me died with Ron. My passion for aviation and the joy of all was dead. What can I say? My wingman was gone, "laments Deepika.
Many Deepika advised to start over and move, but she knew that was easier said than done. It would certainly be hard for anyone to understand the depth of their relationship. Finally, she requested a premature release of the Air Force, he returned to school and completed his MBA. Now she took a civilian job in the business sector.
How tragedy changed her life forever Deepika
Deepika says the tragedy has become more patient, more responsible, but less alive. It was a long struggle to cope with the pain and learn to look to the future. After nearly a ton of paperwork, he moved to New Delhi, where he now lives with a dog and a full-time household. The act of balancing work and home now keeps busy and less time to ruminate about the past is. Slowly things are set up and Deepika said that things are much better.
Being the only child of working parents, both scientists Govt. Became independent and bold messages. "Early in life, I learned to respect the knowledge and humility. My maternal aunt, who is spastic has been my model. I realized my aunt to see that hard work and dedication do nothing impossible" . Growing Deepika says she had two dreams -. that of being a pilot and the second to join the armed forces men and women in uniform and fascinated the Air Force was the perfect combination to make two dreams that time.
Love is like the wind, you can not see. But you can feel IT- Nicholas Sparks
The formative years were difficult, especially for a woman. The rigorous physical and mental training seemed impossible at times, but the thrill of the flight was all the challenges that deserve your time. "Ron was very proud of my achievements and the fact that I am an Air Force pilot beam with pride makes him" recalls Deepika. She learned the art of forgiveness and be charitable to her husband taught him that there is more to life than resentful.
"Even today, I encourage all parents to send at least one son to serve in the armed forces. Despite the tragedy and agony if I am, if I have a son in this life or the next I want him to join the armed forces and to wear the uniform that made us feel proud, "said Deepika.
January 18 marks the sixth anniversary of the final decision Flt Lt Ronald Kevin Serrao his heavenly abode is filled. Please join me in saluting the courageous hero his girlfriend Deepika Dadlani Flt Lt Serrao, his parents Col John Serrao and Dr Jessica Serrao.